Kafka on the Shore by Haruki Murakami

Chris Woodall | 2017-03-09

Haruki Murakami’s Kafka on the Shore is an elegantly written book filled with heady references and a magical-realism which penetrates this abstract reinterpretation of Oedipus Rex. The setting is outstanding, describing not just Japan, but all of the subtly magical pieces of the world. The spiritual becomes an integral part of the novel, and nothing is literal. It stretches your mind as a seemingly direct prophecy is carried out through the most abstract and dream-like of means. There is a lot of really hard to handle content, as the main character develops and is not always the best person. However, he seems to learn who he is, and a bit of empathy by the end as the hero’s journey comes to a close. Well written and worth it, but it can be a little dense at times, which I enjoyed but others might not.